Sunday, May 17, 2009

Just a-training in the Rain tra la!

Here I am again, either I have no life, or, as I would see it, better to bore the computer with tails of fun and frolics than people!!

I set off for another solid training session with the Mollster, only really this time. I worked out that as she is very nearly 2 and she doesn't tear around as much as she did, that she can take more training on her walks and it will do her good. Accordingly, I took all my dummies - 8 in all and set off. Walking out to the car neighbours were out and Jill said hello! I was really pleased that Molly didn't really even look at them and got into the car. Of course I had to chat with Jill and then it started to rain. By the time I actually set off it was drizzling unplpeasantly, and me with only jeans, no salopettes today! When I got up there it was raining quite heavily. However I was not to be daunted and the dogs didn't care so I set off to drop dummies around the field (too lazy today to put them out before getting the dogs out!); and the rain came down and the hail started and eventually I remembered that hail is not all that safe, coming from cumulo nimbus (thunder - and more importantly lightning - producing) clouds. So I set back, but intended to pick the dummies first. Molly was a bit skittish and had to be handled onto the first simple dummy. The same happened on the second dummy. I had her sat a few yards from the dummy when Gaynor called to say that 'Mouse', her lovely Norfolk Terrier, has had 7 puppies!!! She is so tiny and looked so very round last time I saw her. I can't wait until training on Tuesday so that I can see them. Molly had to be reminded to sit as she showed signs of wandering off since I was ony talking, but then stayed until I had finished. She picked up the dummy and the hail slowed to heavy rain. We turned round and set off back around the field. I set all the dummies down on the way round, reciting where I had left them! This has to be better than 'Brain Training' I love the DS, but this is like a memory game and more fun being outdoors!

We then stopped in the middle of the field and Molly was wondering what was up when I sent her 'back' but away from where we had walked (usually she is retracing our steps as I drop it, walk on and then send her back). She went eventually and took a right with encouragement to get the first dummy. The second was a straight back but quite a way and out of site. I was really pleased as she came back over the brow towards me with the orange dummy. However, she happened to come back over another dummy and swapped. She stopped and put the grey oval dummy down when told but I had to go to her to get her to pick the original and bring it back to where we had been. She then picked another well with some handling although it was straight back. I went to pick the one she had swapped, so that she doesn't think she can have them all; but she found it before me and picked it up - just to help! Another two retirieves, one from a pond and we were done. The weather was still threatening so we didn't go to the other fields, but both dogs looked as though they had had enough, we were all drenched!

Roast Lamb for tea. I made a victoria sponge for pudding but used low fat Flora. However I then found cream in the fridge that needed eating before it went off so beat that up and put it in with the jam. Sort of defeated the purpose, but is was very nice and the first treat I have had for 3 weeks, so what the heck!!! The Alli should help!

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