Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Great Day’s Training!!!

Triple woooo hoooo! Just been out with my girls. After consultation with our illustious and long suffering leader (Yeah Gaynor Gent !) I walked the Mollster round and threw her dummy (sadly, cap gun broke so had to shout!) then walked acrosss the field (ie through the long grass, not on a track) for about 1/3 the length and sent her back. Straight there and straight back :) dropped a dummy there, didn't point it out but she probably noticed, then walked an extra 100 yards again through long grass and crossing a track. Sent her back and off she went. She turned down the track briefly then turned to ask and a 'back' sent her off, straight to the area and straight back :) Teasle then, had a dummy over the fence. I did have to get grumpy and throw her over but she eventually jumped back. Two more goes got her jumping straight over and straight back woo hoo!! Then a memory mark up the track but in cover and last of all another memory mark with a sit. Still slow on the sit but getting better. Then it was the Bramling's turn. I used a track, dropeed 2 dummies which she saw and walked a long way along the track. Sent her straight back and off she went, delivering the dummy really well. We walked another 100 yards and I sent her back again. She did stop to ask (and I fforgot to blow the whistle at that point) but then she went and came straight back. I then turned and threw the dummy further and turned and walked back along the track and over another track and past our original point. When I truned to send her I realised that it was at least as far as Molly had gone - but along a track. I sent her back and then stopped her. She turned slowly but sat down as soon as she had turned around. Best Day Ever!!!!!